Medical Equipment for Homes

Phone: +7 (8412) 23-00-03; +7 (8412) 23-03-10

Address: 440 052, Penza, ul. Bogdanov, 22 (map)

ICQ: 485757144

Shop "for the House of Medical Equipment" - is a professional company in the market for laboratory and medical equipment for the rapid diagnosis and goods for the maintenance and strengthening of health that can not only help in getting rid of various diseases, but also, equally importantly, to provide reliable prevention as well as significantly improve and protect habitat. The high quality of products, complexity of services, reasonable prices and flexible system of discounts and the availability of competitive bids make policy in our shop more attractive to customers. This is achieved by direct links with producers in Russia and abroad. Home medical equipment is easily applied at home. Moreover, you do not even need to leave it to complete the purchase. Because our medical equipment store can deliver it to you straight to your home or office or mail. All you need to do: choose a product, click on "buy" and place your order on our website. We offer a wide range of products for health and beauty: * Breathalyzer * Tonometers * Glucometers * Inhaler * Equipment for physiotherapy * Weight equipment * Massagers * Orthopedic products and much more. We deliver the goods in any region of Russia. We work to ensure that you do not hurt!
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