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Below are the companies from neighboring towns.
"Furniture Chernozemye"

"Furniture CHERNOZEMS" offers a large wholesale furniture. Wide range of furniture of the best Russian manufacturers. Shipping is available. Discounts. The loan.

Phone: +7 (4752) 71-80-65

Address: 392000, Tambov, st. Soviet, 119 (map)


Sale of the walls, the walls of the slide, furniture wall. Low prices and product quality will please you.

Phone: +7 (8452) 29-03-09

Address: Saratov, ul. Tank, 28 (map)


We offer you a great selection of furniture, including walls, wall slide, Wall units, etc.

Phone: +7 (8452) 29-58-66

Address: Saratov, ul. Chernyshevsky, and 60/62 (map)


"Pelican" - Russian manufacturer of furniture for living room, kitchen, nursery, hall and other premises. We offer wholesale furniture from Penza.

Phone: +7 (8412) 35-01-11

Address: 440 034, Penza, ul. Krasnov, 123 (map)


Furniture Center "Grand" offers furniture both domestic and imported for every taste and color. Upholstered furniture. Kitchens. Closets. Seasonal. Living rooms. Office furniture. Soft and case furniture, etc. A wide range of mirrors.

Phone: +7 (473) 224-05-58

Address: Voronezh, Lenin Ave. 156 (map)


"KBmebel" - production of furniture in order to Voronezh from chipboard, MDF, softforming, PLASTIC. In the production we use

quality materials imported and domestically produced with a large selection of colors.

Phone: +7 (473) 262-17-80

Address: Voronezh (map)

"The world of furniture"

Furniture store offers the widest range of furniture for home and office.

Phone: +7 (8342) 24-68-01, многоканальный +7(495) 7-999-333

Address: 430 006, Saransk, ul. North, 19, and (map)


Budget furniture of its own production. Living on the individual sizes. Furniture made of MDF, chipboard, plastic, liquid rock and other modern materials.

Phone: +7 (964) 853-40-55, 8 800 100 50 22 справочная

Address: Saransk, ul. Proletarian, etc. 130. of. 9 (map)

The furniture in your house

Inexpensive furniture from the manufacturer. High quality, reasonable prices. Kitchen cabinets and compartments to order, furniture, dressers, prihozhki, pedestals for TV, coffee tables, computer tables. Large selection of loan programs.

Phone: +7-961-067-0397

Address: Volgograd region., Volzhsky, Wholesale Depot (map)

"Furniture Factory Hermas"

Manufacture and sale of furniture to the public. Upholstered furniture, office furniture, contract furniture.

Phone: +7 (919) 793-98-33

Address: 404 130, Volzhsky, Lenin Avenue 75 (map)


Custom-made furniture of any complexity.

Furniture. Furniture of plastic. Aluminum profile.

Phone: +7 (8443) 34-18-48

Address: 404 130, Volzhsky, st. Shock 23 (map)

"The Throne"

Furniture store "Tron" - a wide range of cabinet and upholstered furniture for home and office.

Phone: +7 (8442) 53-88-50

Address: Volgograd, Lenin Prospect, 101 (map)


Manufacture of cabinet and upholstered furniture for home and office, lattice furniture, glass and mirrors.

Phone: +7 (8442) 24-21-97, 37-22-01, 44-74-18, 44-83-97

Address: 400 059, Volgograd, ul. Nikitin 2 (map)

Furniture wall sets Balashov. All Balashov furniture wall sets stores are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a company that sells furniture wall sets in Balashov or Balashov region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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